Often times, being “left high and dry” is considered a bad thing. Most would define this as an Idiom for being left out in the open or stranded somewhere. But if the terms revolving around this phrase include floods, failing levees, or synthetic grass, high and dry is exactly where you want to be, and that’s where the Solitude series of turf comes into its own.
First of all, the aesthetic components of this grass are easily apparent. Solitude mimics the subtle green color combinations evident in the pristine, naturally occurring bluegrass varieties. Also, W-fibers puts creases in each blade, offering support and resilience that is augmented with a lush root zone.
Solitude is also fully recyclable, thanks to a 100% olefin backing layer. Each blade of grass is precision stitched into this backing for added resilience and reduced turf separation. These woven layers also assist with drainage, giving this turf an incredible 234” per hour of drainage for those times when being high and dry is exactly where you want to be.
Today’s digital era of constant connectedness leaves a word like ‘solitude’ seemingly irrelevant. But that is not always the case. Channel your inner peace with solitude turf from courts and greens today. We have face weights in 62 and 82 ounces, so even the most exacting of installation requirements won’t get left high and dry with an improper face weight. Give us a call today!