All-Pro Hoops vs. Goalrilla: By the Numbers

By Courts & Greens - December 27th, 2017 in Sports

another hoop by Courts and Greens in Bakersfield

So You’re Looking For a New Basketball Hoop

There’s no shortage of results when searching for a new basketball goal.  In fact, many options exist including brands like Goalrilla, First Team, and others, but you might be wondering: How does a Courts & Greens basketball hoop stack up to the rest?

All-Pro Outperforms in Every Measure

As if there was a comparison to begin with.  A matchup against our All-Pro hoops is about as fair as the US Olympic Men’s Basketball Team against the rest of the world.  Our hoops feature thicker steel, superior corrosion resistance, sturdier backboards, and an engineered lift assist system with greater adjustment range than any comparable Goalrilla system.

What’s more, our warranty allows for dunking; the competition doesn’t.  You wouldn’t buy a sports car you weren’t allowed to launch, why buy a hoop you couldn’t dunk on? It’s almost as if using thinner gauge steel and slimmer backboards creates an inferior product that’s prone to flexing and breakage.

Elevate your Game

Ditch the Goalrilla monkey-business and First Team amateurs, it’s time your court kept up with your game.  Contact us today for your own custom built court and fully warrantied All-Pro Hoop system.  We’re happy to go over any numbers or questions you might have, and we know you’ll love the enduring design of All-Pro Hoops!